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You name it, I have probably photographed it!

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

A big part of my professional day to day work is to record special occasions for clients.

What would be a special occasion you might ask?

Of course this varies. For some, it is a small and intimate event. For others, it might be a grand affair with hundreds of people. What I do know, is no two are ever quite the same!


College House university hall 2023 formal photo

College House university hall 2023 informal photo


Sometimes people just want photos having fun. Yep, I can do that!

You might see from this page and the rest of my site, that I photograph balls, formals, concerts, dances, dinners, jubilees and reunions!

Girls dancing at school ball / formal


Sometimes it can be a bit more serious. These boys are especially commited to their school haka, taken on their last day as they graduate from high school.

Maori student performs haka at school ceremony


Other times, it can be quite formal, often with low light, in quite challenging conditions.

This time of year is very busy with graduations, leavers dinners, and Christmas parties.

(Oh, and concerts, corporate awards, concerts, civic events, banquets, exposés, showcases, musicals, dance recitals, cocktail parties, symposiums, hui, exhibitions, opening extravaganzas, festivals, expo’s…. in fact you name it, I have probably photographed it!).

Scholarship prize winner receives award on stage at school graduation.

Civic awards dinner, Selwyn events centre, Rolleston.

Winners pose with mayor Sam Broughton at civic awards dinner, Selwyn events centre, Rolleston.


Sometimes, it isn’t even about people! Sometimes it is a product launch, or a venue, or a space!

Car on display at product launch event, Te Pae convention centre, Christchurch.


Whatever spins your wheels, I’m certainly here to help.

For more commercial events, please click here:



For general events, please click here:



Contact me here:


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Mt Cook

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

Despite gale force winds, plans to travel up to a hut near Mt Cook were foiled recently. Yet the weekend away still kind of worked! Facing snow, rain and forceful wind at Mt Cook village, we instead made a home base in Twizel and conjoured up a Plan B.

One of the things I have always wanted to do, was explore the Tasman River braids at the Western end of Lake Pukaki. Luckily for us, and despite some trepidation at the thought of uncertain flying conditions, we managed a break in the weather, and managed some fixed wing aerial views above Pukaki. From my experience, the MacKenzie Basin and Aoraki Mt Cook National Park are certainly far from predictable – for better and for worse.

Thanks to Chris Rudge, at Red Cat Biplanes at the Pukaki airfield, we were well looked after, and were in safe hands.


We are truly blessed to live in such a stunning country, with the chance to enjoy what we have. Something I certainly don’t take for granted. Especially when you look at the madness currently happening in other parts of the world.

Long story short, here are two wee teasers for you! I have loaded other shots to the Fine Art section, and have these available to view / purchase as art prints.

Mt Cook was in all its glory, as were the surrounding alps at dusk. As a professional photographer, I am forvever pinching myself at the grandeur of the South Island landscape right on our doorstep.  It is certainly an amazing country in which we live.


Tasman River ad braids.

Mt Sefton

Feel free to view the full range of professional photos available as fine art prints here:


You can order framed photos or canvas artwork ready to hang, or or ‘straight’ prints on a variety of fine art paper for you to custom frame, or display how you wish.

All orders include shipping, and are packaged securely for security of delivery.


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Pursuit of Giants and Shark Petition

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Following on from our Pursuit of Giants trip to Stewart Island, we have launched a petition to try and get better protection for Great White Sharks in that area.

We urge you to take a look and sign using the link below.



“Edwards Island, despite its diminutive size, holds significant ecological importance, being one of only five known locations globally where the endangered great white sharks congregate and breed. With an estimated global population of merely 3,500 individuals, it is our responsibility to ensure the survival and protection of this awe-inspiring species.

Tragically, according to scientists, boat operators and locals, the very existence of these majestic creatures is now threatened by the actions of a few individuals from Stewart Island who feel threatened by the presence of the great white sharks. In an alarming attempt to eliminate their perceived threat, it is alledged that these individuals have been deliberately setting nets in the small area where the sharks aggregate, with the sole intent of capturing and killing them. Such actions have already led to the disruption of the sharks’ ecology, causing them to disperse and flee from their natural aggregation site.

By forcibly dispersing these great white sharks, the delicate balance of their habitat is disturbed, making the risks greater for New Zealanders and water users. As the sharks then move unpredictably along coastlines where they shouldn’t be, encounters with humans and water activities potentially become more hazardous. A marine reserve around Edward’s Island would serve as a protective sanctuary, preventing malicious fishing practices whilst allowing these endangered creatures to thrive and continue to be observed and monitored.

The establishment of this marine reserve is not only a matter of conservation but also of safeguarding the safety of the New Zealand population. By maintaining a designated protected area for the great white sharks, we create a win-win situation where the sharks can continue their vital role in the ecosystem, and New Zealanders can enjoy their coastal waters without increased risks.

Let us unite our voices in this petition to protect the beautiful great white sharks and ensure a safer future for all water users. By signing this petition, we call upon the government and the Department of Conservation to act swiftly and establish a marine reserve around Edward’s Island. Together, we can preserve the biodiversity of our oceans and showcase New Zealand’s commitment to wildlife conservation on the global stage.

Sign now and be a part of the change we wish to see for the endangered great white sharks and the waters of New Zealand. Together, we can make a difference”.

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Pursuit of Giants II Premiere

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023
Next Friday is the Premiere of ‘In Pursuit of Giants II’, from our photographer’s trip to Stewart Island earlier in the year. We’d love for any friends or family to come and join us.
Richard Wood has done an epic job (well we think so – none of us have actually seen the full edit!). There will be many laughs, a lot of hijinks, and some epic scenery!
More serious than that though, we have stumbled upon quite a serious story almost by accident. This will be revealed in greater detail in the second half of the movie (once you have stopped laughing!). It is our hope ‘PoGII’ might actually be a catalyst for some real change. Already we have had quite a bit of discussion how this might manifest itself. We ask for your support, to join us on this journey. All will be revealed!
Feel free to arrive from 8pm on Fri 11th August, for a 8.30pm sharp start to the screening. This is at the CHCH Art Gallery theatrette. The movie is free, thanks to generous sponsorship by Gerard Emery from CRK. But you must RSVP a space please, as seating is limited. There will be some food and drinks available.
Photographer friends going to Iris awards and NZIPP conference – see Gerard Emery or Rachael Smith on their trade stands to grab a remaining ticket. Despite the ‘Giants’ all being heavily embedded with NZIPP, we are mindful not to overshadow the NZIPP programme with our own event. The trade event that night will dovetail nicely however, and we’d love to see you afterwards. The CHCH Art Gallery is a short 15min walk from the Majestic on Durham.

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