Central Otago Photo Retreat - Photoshots - the web folio of Tony Stewart.

Central Otago Photo Retreat

Recently I had the pleasure to attend a photographic retreat in Central Otago, hosted by the Otago Southland NZIPP crew. Based in Omakau for the long weekend over Kings Birthday, we set out exploring the Maniototo area.

I was somewhat delayed as I was waiting to leave CHCH airport to fly to Dunedin. An in bound Jetstar plane skidded off the runway, and caused quite a flutter of activity. Luckily no one was hurt, but the flow on effect was a number of cancelled flights, while technicians moved the plane, and checked the runway. Eventually I managed a rebooking, later in the day, via Invercargill. I managed to piece together a plan and meet up with other folk, eventually making it through to Central Otago by car late in the evening. A long travel day I can tell you!

Jetstar off runway CHCH airport

Hills flying south

Hills of North Otago from the air flying south


Yet once there amongst friends old and new, we were spoilt by old fashioned southern hospitality. We weren’t short of great food, with comfy digs at the Old Post Office in Omakau.

NZIPP Crew at Omakau

The three days there saw us up early, back late, driving and exploring. One of the benefits of doing this with photographers, is everyone has the same overall outlook and appreciation of timings and light! There aren’t kids in the back to appease, or partners wondering why we have to have another roadside stop for yet another photograph. I do get it!!


Photographer line up


While I have spent some time in Central Otago before, I was somewhat surprised with the local knowledge of others on the trip, that there were still a few wee gems tucked away. I hadnt been to ‘Tinker Town’ or Drybread Cemetery before. This time Serpentine Church escaped us, due to boggy conditions, but is on the radar to do another day.

Tony Stewart at Falls Dam

As pretty much always happens out shooting in heartland New Zealand, I come away with my heart & memory cards all full! We really do live in a rich and diverse country, blessed with some incredible natural beauty. It is a part of NZ that I never tire of, with its wide skies, rugged beauty, and rolling hills. Yet I am also captivated by the mining & pioneering history of the area. You can see this all over the landscape, with schist columns, and sod huts. From more recent times, farm buildings and fishing huts.

Becks Hotel



You can see other photos from this trip in my fine art photo gallery here:


Falls Dam log, Central Otago.

Falls Dam


Cookhouse and sleeping quarters, Home Hills run, Central Otago.

Home Hills run

Falls dam huts, Central Otago.

Falls Dam


Fall Dam hut, Central Otago.

Falls Dam


Wedderburn Cottage



Moa Creek Pub, Central Otago

Moa Creek


Old cob cottage door and window Central Otago


Middlemarch lone tree and schist fence post



You can see other photos from this trip in my fine art photo gallery here:



Some trip photos also by Andy Woods & Dan Childs.